Made with Zotonic

Sculpture Network

Sculpture Network

Sculpture Network is a non-profit organisation to support and promote three-dimensional art in Europe. In our digital age, we need sculpture to ground us in the physical world. Sculpture Network connects makers, mediators, collectors and lovers of sculpture through live and online events, and our website.

More made with Zotonic is a digital platform for research, knowledge, and innovation about Amsterdam and the metropolitan area. The goal of the platform is to share knowledge, to show relations…

AidAccess: For a safe abortion or miscarriage treatment

AidAccess: For a safe abortion or miscarriage treatment
Aid Access supports women who cannot otherwise access an abortion or miscarriage treatment and protects their human rights.


On CollectionGelderland you will find a total of almost 500,000 objects from museums, archives, libraries, castles, historical associations and other (heritage) organizations from Gelderland. Just…

Holland Open Air Museum

Holland Open Air Museum
The Holland Open Air Museum (Nederlands Openluchtmuseum) covers an area of around 44 hectares and is full of all kinds of authentic, unusual buildings. Each of these has its own fascinating history…